November 9, 2009
zSHARE video - dexter.406.hdtv.xvid-sys.flv
zSHARE video - dexter.406.hdtv.xvid-sys.flv
November 5, 2009
Socks, and their Perfect match
KRKoontz [12:01 P.M.]: I've got this single red baseball sock I meant to give you while you were here the other night.
Sodabubble16 [12:01 P.M.]: not gonna happen!
KRKoontz [12:01 P.M.]: It's clean.
Sodabubble16 [12:01 P.M.]: nooooope
Sodabubble16 [12:02 P.M.]: let that be the iritation that reminds you of me and everytime you look at it you grow a little more annoyed with me :)
KRKoontz [12:04 P.M.]: But I'm not annoyed with you. I just feel that this sock is lonely.
Sodabubble16 [12:04 P.M.]: perhaps it is
Sodabubble16 [12:04 P.M.]: but it's a beautiful lonely
Sodabubble16 [12:04 P.M.]: that holds tight to when he and the other red socks were together playing in their glory
Sodabubble16 [12:05 P.M.]: and who's to say the red socks proper partner isn't the black sock
Sodabubble16 [12:05 P.M.]: are you racist koontz?
KRKoontz [12:06 P.M.]: No, but the blacks sock are together now.
Sodabubble16 [12:07 P.M.]: it's a beautiful 3some
Sodabubble16 [12:07 P.M.]: or what if one of the black socks is the lonely one
KRKoontz [12:11 P.M.]: I'm suggesting that the red one is awesomely independent, however that doesn't mean it wouldn't like a partner, but it isn't willing to settle for anything less than it's perfect match.
Sodabubble16 [12:15 P.M.]: lol
Sodabubble16 [12:15 P.M.]: well i think the red sock may be destined to be alone
Sodabubble16 [12:15 P.M.]: and what's so wrong with that
Sodabubble16 [12:15 P.M.]: it's perfect match is right here in my drawer and okay with it's fate of being alone forever
Sodabubble16 [12:15 P.M.]: sometimes alone is better
KRKoontz [12:16 P.M.]: That's quitter talk.
Sodabubble16 [12:16 P.M.]: no way dude
KRKoontz [12:18 P.M.]: I can understand that the red sock probably (and rightfully) believes that it is superior to other socks, but it knows that somewhere there is another sock just as fantastic as it.
Sodabubble16 [12:18 P.M.]: it's the kind of talk that's focused on her career
Sodabubble16 [12:18 P.M.]: it's the kind of talk that comes out of a future politician
Sodabubble16 [12:19 P.M.]: and it's fine knowing that and never being with the sock, somewhere out there is my perfect opposite and i'm fine with it staying there, i know it's there and i'm happy with just knowing that
KRKoontz [12:23 P.M.]: Well that's okay for now. But these socks should be brought together before they get moth eaten from lack of use, so that they can be worn over some active feet and athletic legs to achieve what they were put on this planet for.
KRKoontz [12:23 P.M.]: Not to sit in some drawer wasting away.
Sodabubble16 [12:23 P.M.]: they can acheive that without the other though!
Sodabubble16 [12:23 P.M.]: Oh I am not letting my sock waste away
Sodabubble16 [12:23 P.M.]: I wear it to the gym
Sodabubble16 [12:24 P.M.]: I wear it school
Sodabubble16 [12:24 P.M.]: I do a lot and make good use of my sock!
Sodabubble16 [12:24 P.M.]: and you should too!
Sodabubble16 [12:24 P.M.]: don't let your sock waste away just because it doesn't have it's opposite
KRKoontz [12:25 P.M.]: Speaking of the wasting away sock, I work parades today at 5:00. :'(
Sodabubble16 [12:25 P.M.]: you should wear your sock!
Sodabubble16 [12:30 P.M.]: and the next two weekends are my play
Sodabubble16 [12:30 P.M.]: which you should come see!
KRKoontz [12:31 P.M.]: If I ever have enough energy to go out I may.
Sodabubble16 [12:31 P.M.]: koontz
Sodabubble16 [12:31 P.M.]: you have to take the red sock out sometime
Sodabubble16 [12:31 P.M.]: the red sock is a metaphor for your life by the way
KRKoontz [12:32 P.M.]: It's fun to pair up my sock with other colors sometimes, but my other red sock is in another city.
Sodabubble16 [12:32 P.M.]: that doesn't mean your red sock shouldn't still have fun
Sodabubble16 [12:33 P.M.]: at least your red sock knows where it's perfect partner is
KRKoontz [12:34 P.M.]: But my other sock got folded up with another one.
Sodabubble16 [12:34 P.M.]: but you know which socks are the right match
Sodabubble16 [12:35 P.M.]: don't let your sock suffer, find the beauty in letting your sock get mis-matched
Sodabubble16 [12:36 P.M.]: just because the sock isn't your perfect match doesn't mean you can't find the good out of that sock and have some fun and happiness
Sodabubble16 [12:36 P.M.]: the only truly perfect match for your sock is your foot
KRKoontz [12:36 P.M.]: I agree with that.
KRKoontz [12:37 P.M.]: That is deep Amberlu.
Sodabubble16 [12:37 P.M.]: thank you
Sodabubble16 [12:37 P.M.]: i believe that whole-heartedly though
October 16, 2009
Where the Wild Things Are
What you feel is what you feel. Feeling is pure. Expressing feeling is healthy.
Why are we a society that condemns certain expressions of emotions?
When you are feeling sad or mad or lonely and you can't help or change how you feel, it's scary. You truly are trapped and confined within your own misery. It's scary.
I support cussing when in expression of feeling. Sometimes throwing or smashing or punching is the only way to shake loose of your confinements. Sometimes it doesn't help.
Please do not stomp on others' for feeling the way they feel.
July 8, 2009
RIP Michael Jackson, a loving human being
I was lucky enough to attend Michael Jackson's funeral earlier today. I found it truly inspiring and touching. Amongst many great speeches, words, and performances this was my favorite. A poem by Maya Angelou called "We Had Him"…
Beloveds, now we know that we know nothing, now that our bright and shining star can slip away from our fingertips like a puff of summer wind.
Without notice, our dear love can escape our doting embrace. Sing our songs among the stars and walk our dances across the face of the moon.
In the instant that Michael is gone, we know nothing. No clocks can tell time. No oceans can rush our tides with the abrupt absence of our treasure.
Though we are many, each of us is achingly alone, piercingly alone.
Only when we confess our confusion can we remember that he was a gift to us and we did have him.
He came to us from the creator, trailing creativity in abundance.
Despite the anguish, his life was sheathed in mother love, family love, and survived and did more than that.
He thrived with passion and compassion, humor and style. We had him whether we know who he was or did not know, he was ours and we were his.
We had him, beautiful, delighting our eyes.
His hat, aslant over his brow, and took a pose on his toes for all of us.
And we laughed and stomped our feet for him.
We were enchanted with his passion because he held nothing. He gave us all he had been given.
Today in Tokyo, beneath the Eiffel Tower, in Ghana's Black Star Square.
In Johannesburg and Pittsburgh, in Birmingham, Alabama, and Birmingham, England
We are missing Michael.
But we do know we had him, and we are the world.
June 4, 2009
“Moving” by Amber Luallen pt. 2
Just wrote this half, could be sung as an entirely new song, or just linked onto the end of the last lyrics. Please let me know what you think.
He's a bad boy
Easy on the eyes
Love his body
And his hand on my thighs
He loved me
But doesn't anymore
And he can't help how
He can't change how he feels
Now I'm movin'
Movin' on
Yeah I'm movin'
Movin' on
And I think about his heart every now and then
But the truth is, it's only now and then
Make my way through the zombies and stoners
Gathered helpless on the dance floor
Now the strobe light dances in my ear
I watch as I sip my vodka cranberry
There's a guy across the room smiling at me
And I'm home
Now I'm movin'
Movin' in
Yeah I'm movin'
Movin' in
And I think about his face every now and then
But the truth is, it's only now and then
I step out onto the wet pavement
Alone beneath the holy streetlight
And the truth is I've never felt more at home
Now I'm movin'
Movin' movin'
Can't stop movin'
And I think about his home (unconditional love) every now and then
But the truth is, it's only now and then
The more I analyze this song and write the more I feel it's a song about tragic heroes not needing people, but purely needing one's own self. I love that. Please let me know if you'd like to help me and make it into a song.
“Moving” by Amber Luallen
So I wrote some song lyrics, but am incapable of making them into an actual song. Let me know if you would like to, and let me know what you think. Here it is.
She's a good girl
Easy on the eyes
She's got a body
That makes me dream about her thighs
I loved her
But I don't anymore
And I can't help how
I can't change how I feel
Now I'm movin'
Movin' on
Yeah I'm movin'
Movin' on
And I think about her heart every now and then
But the truth is, it's only now and then
All the stoners gather on the dance floor
The strobe light throbs in my ear
I've got vodka cranberry in my hand
A cigarette between my fingers
There's a girl across the room smiling at me
And I'm home
Now I'm movin'
Movin' in
Yeah I'm movin'
Movin' in
And I think about her face every now and then
But the truth is, it's only now and then
I step out onto the wet pavement
Alone beneath the holy streetlight
And the truth is I've never felt more at home
Now I'm movin'
Movin' movin'
I can't stop movin'
And I think about her home(embrace or arms) every now and then
But the truth is it's only now and then.
This is my story of a tragic hero and the holy trinity of interests, love lust and adventure(or home). The woman mentioned in the first is the love interest, the second is the one lusted after, and the third is the mother. Please let me know your input, suggestions, etc. Thank you. That is all.
May 27, 2009
A Lover and a Fighter
I digress. I want my blog to have the amount of respect the blogs I follow and respect have. I am not looking to receive love; I have been loved and am loved by enough people to keep me whole. I am looking to make my life about more. I want to give love, of course. But a relationship in my life right now would be plain distracting to what I want to discover. As in the title of my blog explains I am a lover of people. I do not want to stop loving people or expressing that love. But it’s not a romantic type of love. I want to live my life for myself, I want to be selfish. Please forgive me. It’s not you. You are a beautiful person and capable of amazing love, and you will be loved by a far more special girl than me if you aren’t already. Please understand that it’s nothing against you or anything that has happened between us, it’s simply me just not being in the market for the countless wonderful qualities you have to offer. I want to be your friend and I want to appreciate you from that distance.
So here I go back on the road to life of experience and discovery. I was here once before but got distracted. I will be blindsided no more. I welcome happiness in my life. I am a fighter and will continue to fight the urge of temptation in order find my Daesin. I will fight for what I want and what I believe in.
Peace and love especially to you,
May 19, 2009
Authentic and Inauthentic Existence
My favorite class I am taking this semester is 20th Century Philosophy. I would like to share something I believe to be amazingly profound, raw, true, and something that is currently hitting very close to home. It's one of Heidegger's many theories.
First I will present the facts. According to Heidegger not only is man "thrown into the world" without asking to be there, but he must constantly become his true self by making appropriate decisions. Along the way, man experiences a "falleness," a loss of his "authentic" character.
Falleness points to the universal tendency of man to lose himself in his present preoccupations and concerns, alienating himself from his unique and personal future possibilities. He thus becomes a reduced self.
The falleness of human being receives its most obvious expression in the activities of gossip, mere curiosity and ambiguity. Gossip, for example, is an authentic modification of speech which simply repeats the accepted, everyday, conventional, and shallow interpretations of the public.
His authentic existence requires that he recognize and affirm his own unique self with his responsibility for his every action.
A person's drift into inauthentic existence is subtle but in every case it involves a tendency to escape from one's self by finding refuge in a public self, in an impersonal identity, the impersonal "one" in contrast to the concrete "I." The inauthentic person behaves as "one" is expected to instead of as "I" ought to. He reads and judges music, art, and literature as "one" is expected to; in public he suppresses any urge to be unique, to excel.
The inauthentic man levels himself downward toward an averageness and behaves like the average "everyman." But a person cannot, according to Heidegger, indefinitely avoid confronting his true self. (Then there's some stuff about anxiety then being what comes next in a "falleness" and how it is not a psychological state but rather a mode of being. Anxiety is not fear for fear is attatched to an object such as a snake or an enemy where as Anxiety reveals the presence of "nothingness" in our being. This could be a whole other blog in itself, and it might be, so I'll continue with the "falleness."
When a person affirms his authentic self, when he sees transparently what and who he is, he discovers that in his inauthentic existence he has been trying to do the impossible, namely, to hid the fact of his limitations and his essential temporality(like temporality on earth, we know we will not live forever).
How this old white man, this philosopher, this scholar knows so much about the petty shallow life we, or at least I, try to combat everyday baffles me. But all that aside, it's very true. I have always felt a need a want a desire to live for more than just myself, but for the past year haven't been. I have been living in a "falleness." Now I can see what I saw before my falleness, and that is others living in their falleness. It is so apparent and scary because I think some people don't escape their falleness their entire high school or college career. I think it's possible others never escape and find their authentic self. But in a society like ours, it's difficult and almost impossible to live for something more. I am racking my brain for examples, if you have any please share. But this world, our society definitely incourages an inauthentic self and a group mentality. They encourage us to all behave as "one" because that is not threatening, or scary. Please help us, help me, help each other not to be tempted to live as or be limited by the collective and average "everyman." Find your truth, find your authentic character as I search desperately for mine as well.
May 18, 2009
That's fine.
You used to hug me but you don't anymore, and that's fine.
You used to hold me but you don't anymore, and that's fine.
You used to love me but you don't anymore, and that's fine.
I used to hate you, but I don't anymore. and That's fine.
May 17, 2009
Stand by...
p.s. i realized most of this after watching Angels and Demons tonight. I enjoyed it. How easily I am affected by movies. Silly? Probably
May 15, 2009
Plastic Island
May 12, 2009
James Dean
April 27, 2009
RIP old nose 1989-2008

Yesterday marked the year anniversary for me and my new nose. Last year I took a softball to the face and received a bloody broken nose. I was lucky that I didn't have to get it reset or anything, but it does look a little different. Or atleast to me it does. Anyway,

April 24, 2009
Falling or Simply Choosing
I used to believe in Love. I used to believe that no matter what when that right person came along one would drop everything to be with that person. Regardless of whether you had decided you didn't want a relationship in your life at the moment or didn't want to be distracted by love. I used to believe in the power of love; the power of love being stronger than a person's choice. I used to believe in falling in love.
I still believe in love, don't get me wrong. But now I believe in a different kind of a love; a not so knock you on your butt and see shooting stars type of love. I'm now starting to believe in that power of personal choice. You want what you're looking for. Or rather you want what you're wanting. When one decides they want to be single and have live-it-up life for the moment, they could pass up "the one" and not care one bit. The relationships that are out there right now, in my opinion, are products of two people wanting the same thing at the same time. Conventional, yet still substantial, love.
But then why or how does one want what they want(and can we control it)? This I truly can't explain.
When I first moved here I knew what I wanted. I wanted to make a difference in the world, become known for being good at what I do, help people find happiness and self confidence. I wanted to help people see how much equality really does matter. I didn't want anything to get in the way of my future of education and power, especially noting as silly as a relationship. I wanted to be a p-i-m-p. I liked lots of guys, and saw the good in every one of them. I wanted to go out with them but didn't want anything more than holding hands. I told them all I just wanted to be friends and proceeded to "friend-date" 7 or 8 guys at a time. I was really happy. I wanted what I wanted myself to want.
One of those 7 or 8 guys really stuck out, though. He openly told me and everybody we knew that he liked me, but still stuck around for a good 6 months as a friend. He became my best friend. I told him constantly that I didn't want any more than friendship from him, so I don't believe I led him on. I told him many times he really wasn't what I was looking for in a boyfriend even if I did want one. We hung out regularly, he took care of me when I really needed someone, and we had even met each other's parents. Looking back now I can see we had a pseudo or a faux relationship. [It was just like a real relationship except I was allowed to see and flirt with other guys. Also there was no physical anything besides hugging.] Perfect.
One day he kissed me, unexpectedly. I had made it clear all a long I never wanted him to kiss me. I still didn't want him to kiss me… until the moment he did. It was with no doubt in my mind the best kiss I had ever had and it lasted what seemed like an indescribable two hours. I wanted him. I wanted a relationship, with him, the same guy who in my opinion (at the time) was my complete opposite; he was lazy and had completely different political views from mine [I know that sounds small, but for me that was huge, how can we agree on anything if we can't agree on how the world should be run]. All of my wants changed completely. This is my first recollection where I flip flopped from believing in choice to believing in Love.
Unfortunately there is no happily ever after here, hence this blog post about my dismay and my endless analysis on human behavior. I told him how I felt and what I now wanted. He did not want the same anymore. He had spent 6 months watching me flirt and date other guys, the 6 months that I had never been more happy (for more reasons than this) were not so happy for him. He had finally moved on. He wanted to be single and just have fun. Maybe he got it from me, maybe I had inspired him. I was quite the advocate for my lifestyle.
I was really hurt and confused. Truly heartbroken. As embarrassed as I am to admit that a man had this much power over me, I'll be truthful. I had a really hard time eating and sleeping for the next few months. My best girlfriend can attest to this. I spent a good 4-5 months, Months, getting over him and had finally stopped thinking about him every day. I tried furiously after about 2 months to get back on the horse; to go back to my old lifestyle; appreciating guys for their goodness and spending time getting to know them; just plain having fun. I am still trying to. But now I find myself wanting a relationship. I don't want to want one, no not at all. I especially don't want a relationship just for the sake of wanting a relationship. But, now I find myself liking and possibly wanting a relationship with every guy I go out with. There's nothing special in that. Having a relationship with whichever one that says yes? That's not at all what I want myself to want. But it's what I want. A relationship. A separate problem is all these guys now want to be single too, none of them are in the "want" of a relationship. Whatever, I don't blame them.
I used to want to go fabulous places by myself and meet different guys when I get there, and have a scandalous 2 hour love added to the excitement. Now I want to go fabulous places with one person and spend the adventure in and out of their arms finding things to make one other smile.
So, now I have flip flopped once again, to deciding choice is more powerful. What are you in the market for is what you are in the market for, simple as that. So then my next question is; what ignites these changes in wants? Why do I want stability now when I used to think that stability was boring? Possibly, a lack of confidence due to a big rejection followed by some smaller rejections. Now I need something comforting and stable because I don't have the self righteousness I used to have. But then can't I fix that on my own? I know that I am strong enough to build myself back up. It's not a quick process of course. It will take time, but just maybe once I am back on top I will want what I want myself to want, again.
April 13, 2009
Losing Teeth, Gaining Strength
March 26, 2009
March 22, 2009
Beyond Therapy!

So tomorrow I start rehersal for Beyond Therapy! I am very excited! Although this will add a huge chunk to my schedule for the next two months. Please come see it! I am playing Prudence, the lead. Also, get your tickets soon because they're already selling out!
March 20, 2009
Rapport Leadership International

Affection Quota
March 19, 2009
A Young Perspective on Getting Older
I have a good amount of friends of both sexes reaching that settling down and having babies age, late 20's early 30's. They are so concerned about finding that one person soon that so much pressure is put on anyone new they meet. They also end up being very sad and depressed about being single right now. But how do you fix that? If you know what you want and you're reaching that age of "expiration"(not at all my term, but somebody elses) how are you suppose to be ok with being single? It's a slippery slope, I agree. My remedy? Just be happy. Accept what life is giving you and is going to give you. Accept the alternatives. You want a family by age 32. Then just be happy being yourself an be ok with an option of adopting and raising a child on your own maybe. Or find a job that you love. Or find a way to travel. Find a way to fullfill your life to make you happy in other ways. Settle for some things, but don't settle for a psuedo love. If you're happy in other ways of your life then a true love may come along. It may not. Maybe we're just suppose to be ok with that. Your thoughts?
March 18, 2009
The Very Rev. Alan Jones
Welcome Back, Potter!

I'm in a show! "Welcome Back, Potter" is mix of a movie spoof and a melodrama. I play Herniny ;). Here's the REVIEWS! Come and see it if you have the chance! It really is a lot of great fun!
March 07, 2009
James Scarbourough
Downtown Gazette
"Welcome Back, Potter," The All American Melodrama Theater and Music Hall
Why bury your head in the sand when you can gambol in a music hall that overlooks a lighthouse?
“Welcome Back, Potter,” written and directed by Jeff Tucker for the All American Melodrama Theater and Music Hall in Shoreline Village, offers pure escapism.
The tale isn’t just family friendly because it’s so over the top, because the staging is so jack-o-lantern fun, because the dialogue is20so witty and, I think, at-times improvised, or because the ac ting is so empathetic, it also bridges the popular culture icons of a couple of generations.
What a pairing, the cinegenic boy wizard Harry Potter and the sitcom premise of Welcome Back, Kotter. They go together like an iPhone and anything wonky and extravagant from its App Store.
Larry Potter (Ren Lescault) - yes, “Larry;” apparently Ms. Rowling watches over her franchise like an Owl - has recently graduated from wizard school along with his chums Hernniny (Amber Luallen) and Won (Paul Villano). Hernniny and Won decide to stay on and teach; Larry opens a rustic bed and breakfast.
Guess what it’s called?
The Pottery Barn.
Trouble is afoot. Of course it involves Waldemart (Michael Bailey), the lease to the school (and the future of educating young wizards), a quidditch match (of course it has to be called something else here), Larry’s triumphant return, a broom as well as one of those floor cleaner thingamajigs with the disposable cleaning sheet, romance (Hernniny has a twin sister – twins! – Jenny with a J, not to mention some levitation, some co njuring, and some prestidigitation.
The cast aced their roles. You find yourself yay-ing Lescault’s Larry because he’s so forthright and foursquare. He’s got an earnest voice, a full head of hair (An often overlooked physical requirement of melodramatic Heroes is their wholesome head of hair. Could you with clear conscience say yay to James Carville, Telly Savalis, or Dr. Phil?), and a posture like a ruler.
*Luallen’s Herninny and Jenny with a J have a face that could not only launch a thousand ships but steer them back home again. She’s the perfect match for Lescault’s Larry: virtuous without being all damsely, funny without being hapless, and a distillation of maidenliness.
And, ah yes, Villano’s Won. A delightful dork, a perfect scaredypants of a sidekick, and the missing link, literally, to this troika of magical alum.
Speaking of Oakland, Gertrude Stein may write that there’s no there, there. Here, though, on that dinky stage in the Long Beach Harbor, there is a there, there. A lot of fun, a catharsis. You think you’ve got it bad? The school’s something-like-quidditch team has been turned into an audience at a Long Beach melodrama. The school itself is going to be turned into a reta il outlet that undersells neighborhood merchants and blights the community.
Oh, the mellow drama!
Performances are 7:30 PM, Fri, 4:30 PM and 8:30 PM, Sat., 2 PM and 7PM, Sun. The show runs until May 3. Tickets are $14-20.The Theatre is located at 429 Shoreline Village Drive, Suite E. For more information call 495-5900 or visit
*I highlighted the most important part ;)
Actor/Lover of People/Student of Life
My outlook on people I think is what helps me as an actor. Every character I attempt I apply the same understanding. My work is so special to me because I love to layer my characters with many things and still at the core have them pushing for what they believe to be good. To understand why they believe what they’re doing is right. This is possibly a really obvious statement. But anyways, that is how I make my work truthful. I have yet to tackle a truly evil character, such as Monster, but that challenge will all be in due time. I am learning. I am still a student of acting and of life. I will always be. There for, all my thoughts right now are elementary and will grow with time. Please feel free to disagree with me, disagreement and discussion what will help all of us grow.
Welcome to my blog. That was just a little bit about me. My passion is acting and people. My profession is student. My dream is to make a living acting and then move into politics. Here I will seek knowledge by putting what little knowledge I have out there. I will also shamelessly promote whatever I happen to be working on at the moment. Yeay!