Last night I had a really good conversation with my Dad. He told me about a time in his life when he was really lonely and depressed because among other things he was single. I explained to him how I don't think being single should be any reason to be lonely or depressed. I have a theory that if you're not happy being by yourself and are not able to have fun just being you then you're not ready for a relationship. The same goes for people who are insecure in some way or another. How can you be expected to handle somebody elses feelings and happiness if you can't handle your own?
I have a good amount of friends of both sexes reaching that settling down and having babies age, late 20's early 30's. They are so concerned about finding that one person soon that so much pressure is put on anyone new they meet. They also end up being very sad and depressed about being single right now. But how do you fix that? If you know what you want and you're reaching that age of "expiration"(not at all my term, but somebody elses) how are you suppose to be ok with being single? It's a slippery slope, I agree. My remedy? Just be happy. Accept what life is giving you and is going to give you. Accept the alternatives. You want a family by age 32. Then just be happy being yourself an be ok with an option of adopting and raising a child on your own maybe. Or find a job that you love. Or find a way to travel. Find a way to fullfill your life to make you happy in other ways. Settle for some things, but don't settle for a psuedo love. If you're happy in other ways of your life then a true love may come along. It may not. Maybe we're just suppose to be ok with that. Your thoughts?